The Kereru Sucks

We are fortunate to regularly see Kereru visiting our garden. It is fairly common to see them flying very high overhead, on the way to 'somewhere else'. Of course, like many birds, such as the Fantail, they are often heard before they are seen. In the case of the Wood Pigeon, the distinctive whooshing sound made by its great wings is instantly recognisable. This can be quite a handy 'heads up' when trying to capture video of the birds engaged in the midst of their daily routine of feeding, drinking and resting.

Even though they are a relatively common sight for many New Zealanders, it is still a breathtaking privilege to witness these large birds at close range. On most days, at least one Kereru will stop by our bird bath to rehydrate.

Interestingly, their drinking style is markedly different from that of the frenetic Tui, who takes up nectar or water in short bursts with its feathered tongue, constantly raising its head and frantically checking it's surroundings for signs of perceived threat. The Kereru is more sedate, yet still vigilant, sucking in as it drinks, rather than scooping like other birds. In fact, the Kereru can drink without needing to raise its head to swallow, which is, apparently, quite unusual in the avian world. 

This suction action can be seen quite clearly in this montage of short clips...

Posted on 26/08/2014 by John and Melody Anderson Articles Home 1746
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