The Relaunch of the Wayfarer Images webstore

The Relaunch of the Wayfarer Images webstore

Our new webstore is finally finished and up and running! We've updated our look and feel, redesigning the site's structures to reflow more easily on tablets and mobile devices and to be a better platform to show our work.

The revamp has been a great opportunity to review our body of work and we are excited, in particular, about our new range of black and white art prints available online for the first time. We'll be significantly adding to this section in the coming months.

We're also considering creating a 'gallery space' on the site, where we can feature themed exhibitions of work from our catalogue, for (hopefully) your interest and viewing pleasure. Some of this work, but not necessarily all, may be available for sale. However, we regard it mostly as a chance to present work from our extensive photo library that may not have previously seen the light of day, as well as sharing some of our personal favourites.

Posted on 24/06/2014 by John and Melody Anderson Articles Home 1657
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